The 2023 Christmas Parade is set for Saturday, December 9, 2023, 10:00 am
Entry Fee: $10.00 Non-Refundable
Chamber Members are Free
Parade Rules
- Completed registration forms and entry fee MUST be turned in to the Tallassee Chamber of Commerce no later than Monday, November 27, 2023. We accept Check/Money Order or Cash. Make check/money Order out to: Tallassee Chamber of Commerce.
- All drivers must be an adult age 18 or older with a valid driver license.
- NO Alcohol
- Floats should be clearly marked and visible from a distance on both sides with a sign identifying the business or organization name.
- Floats cannot line up before 9am. Floats are to line up by turning next to the Tallassee Library entering Freeman Avenue. A Chamber representative will be at the first stop sign to direct you. DO NOT bring float in on any other street.
- Each entry provides it own throws (Ex: Candy, Necklaces, etc.). Be sure throws are safe for throwing (No sharp, pointed or hard objects).
- Absolutely NO entry can have a live Santa. (Tallassee Chamber will arrange Santa for the parade.)
- No Rain Dates
- You are responsible for your trash. Please do not litter.